A List of Headless Content Management Systems.

Un sistema de gestión de contenidos sin cabeza, o CMS sin cabeza, es un sistema de gestión de contenidos de back-end que actúa principalmente como un repositorio de contenidos. Un CMS sin cabeza hace que el contenido sea accesible a través de una API para mostrarlo en cualquier dispositivo sin una capa de presentación o front-end incorporada. El término “sin cabeza” proviene del concepto de cortar la “cabeza” (la parte delantera) del “cuerpo” (la parte trasera).


The lightning fast CMS. Turn any static website into a powerful CMS in seconds..

Repository: abecms/abecms
Homepage: https://abecms.org/
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll

Acoustic Content

Cloud CMS brought to you by Acoustic

Homepage: https://acoustic.com/products/content/
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Agility CMS

The fastest Headless CMS to prototype, build, and deploy with. Agility CMS is a cloud-based, SaaS, and API platform with Free and Paid pricing tiers.

Homepage: https://agilitycms.com/
Twitter: @agilitycms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Airship CMS

Airship is a cloud-hosted headless CMS that integrates with your local development workflow. Use Airship templating (based on handlebars) for classic server rendering or use the API to build single page apps, statically generated sites, and custom applications.

Repository: AirshipCMS/Launcher
Homepage: https://airshipcms.io
Twitter: @airshipcms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Amplience is an API-first, headless content management platform for enterprise retail. Our content and experience solutions for commerce enable teams to do more, better, faster.

Homepage: https://www.amplience.com
Twitter: @Amplience
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


It is headless CMS that could help manage and deliver any JSON to any applications.

Repository: evmizulin/any-json-cms
Homepage: https://anyjsoncms.com/
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Publish your GraphQL content API in 5 minutes, no coding required.

Homepage: https://www.apirocket.io/
Twitter: @apirocket_
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


As a full-featured JavaScript CMS with both headless capabilities and in-context editing, our tools appeal to both developers and content editors, not only because of how flexible they are, but because they feel good to use.

Repository: apostrophecms/apostrophe
Homepage: https://apostrophecms.com/
Twitter: @apostrophecms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


The bridge between the simplicity of static websites and user-friendliness of CMS.

Homepage: https://appernetic.io
Twitter: @appernetic
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Hugo


Aventum is a high-performance, fast, and open-source Headless CMS or you can call it API visual builder, backend visual builder, or Headless CMS visual builder because it is content-agnostic! create your content, no matter how complex it is, and manage it easily!

Repository: TryAventum
Homepage: https://aventum.org/
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

b2evolution CMS

b2evolution is a full-featured CMS with complete data schema configuration and advanced user permissions. RESTful API.

Repository: b2evolution/b2evolution
Homepage: https://www.b2evolution.net/
Twitter: @b2evolution
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Build web and mobile apps with a database that feel like headless-CMS. The platform is as flexible as your app needs it to be - whether you need search integration, or CSV export, managing data is a breeze. BagelDB treats everyone on the product team as a first-class citizen.

Homepage: https://bageldb.com/
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Blogody CMS

Blogody is a minimalist content management platform for blogging with a GraphQL API at its core.

Homepage: https://www.blogody.com
Twitter: @blogody
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Open-source headless CMS without compomising on the authoring experience. No more form-based content management. Powerful APIs to consume from any client like React or Angular.

Homepage: https://developers.bloomreach.com
Twitter: @bloomreach_tm
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Build fast and lean websites for your clients that don’t skimp on features.

Homepage: https://bowtie.io/
Twitter: @bowtie_io
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll


Builder is the only headless CMS with a visual editor that allows users to drag and drop to create pages and content with your code components

Repository: BuilderIO/builder
Homepage: https://www.builder.io/
Twitter: @builderio
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Butter CMS

An API-first CMS for rapidly building CMS-powered websites in any programming language.

Homepage: https://buttercms.com/
Twitter: @buttercms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


The Git-based CMS for Jekyll, Hugo and 11ty sites. Take control of your content with visual editing, publishing and reusable components.

Homepage: http://cloudcannon.com
Twitter: @cloudcannon
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll ,Hugo ,11ty

Cloud CMS

An API-first approach, built around JSON and a high performance cloud architecture.

Homepage: https://www.cloudcms.com/
Twitter: @cloudcms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Cockpit is a self-hosted headless and api-driven CMS

Repository: agentejo/cockpit
Homepage: https://getcockpit.com
Twitter: @getcockpit
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A client-side CMS for static sites hosted on GitHub.

Repository: fiatjaf/coisas
Homepage: https://coisas.alhur.es/
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: All


Comfortable is an cloud-based headless CMS, dedicated to simplicity, structure and speed.

Homepage: https://comfortable.io/
Twitter: @cmftable
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Contenta is the community driven API distribution for Drupal 8.

Repository: contentacms/contenta_jsonapi
Homepage: http://www.contentacms.org
Twitter: @contentacms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Contentful is a content management developer platform with an API at its core.

Homepage: https://www.contentful.com/
Twitter: @contentful
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A headless CMS specifically designed for enterprises and large scale deployments.

Homepage: https://www.contentstack.com
Twitter: @contentstack
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Headless CMS to power content for any website or app.

Homepage: https://www.cosmicjs.com
Twitter: @cosmicjs
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Craft CMS

Craft is a hybrid PHP CMS featuring flexible content modeling, a beautiful, accessible control panel, and a full GraphQL API.

Repository: craftcms/cms
Homepage: https://craftcms.com
Twitter: @craftcms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


The lowest cost to operate, fastest-to-implement CMS. Build scalable, secure, world-class websites and digital experiences in record time.

Repository: Crownpeak/DXM-SDK-Core
Homepage: https://www.crownpeak.com
Twitter: @Crownpeak
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Headless PIM with a twist, product information and marketing content as a fast & scalable GraphQL service. Commerce + Content. JAMStack ready.

Repository: CrystallizeAPI/crystallize-cli
Homepage: https://www.crystallize.com/
Twitter: @CrystallizeAPI
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


The headless cms with JSON API, GraphQL, Actions, SMTP, IMAP, FTP, Cloud services sync and more.

Repository: daptin/daptin
Homepage: https://dapt.in
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


DatoCMS is a friendly, secure and powerful platform that enables marketer, editorial or developer team to build complex backend in minutes and to bring any kind of content everywhere

Homepage: https://www.datocms.com/
Twitter: @datocms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Directus is a database-first platform that provides an instant REST API for custom SQL databases and an intuitive Admin App for non-technical users to manage that content.

Repository: directus/directus
Homepage: https://directus.io
Twitter: @directus
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


dotCMS is a cloud-based Hybrid Headless CMS for managing content and content-driven web sites and applications.

Repository: dotCMS/core
Homepage: https://www.dotcms.com/
Twitter: @dotcms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Editlayer is headless CMS that saves content as JSON. Editlayer is build to work easily on Google’s development platform - Firebase.

Repository: raneio/editlayer
Homepage: https://editlayer.rane.io
Twitter: @Editlayer
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Enonic XP

A headless CMS without limitations, built for the digital team.

Repository: enonic/xp
Homepage: https://enonic.com/
Twitter: @EnonicHQ
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Flamelink is an easy to use, headless CMS specifically developed to add & manage content in Firebase

Homepage: https://flamelink.io
Twitter: @FlamelinkCMS
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Flextype is an open-source self-hosted Data-First Headless CMS & API.

Repository: flextype/flextype
Homepage: https://flextype.org
Twitter: @getflextype
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Flotiq is an effortless headless Content Management System, offering developers powerful SDKs and integrations.

Repository: flotiq/flotiq-blog
Homepage: https://flotiq.com/
Twitter: @flotiq
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A custom Content Manager with a clean, clutter-free UI that commits automatically to your repo.

Homepage: https://forestry.io
Twitter: @forestryio
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: All


Custom dashboard and API for managing all of your content.

Homepage: https://www.fridgecms.com/
Twitter: @fridgecms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll

FrontAid CMS

FrontAid is a free CMS for JSON files in Git.

Homepage: https://frontaid.io/
Twitter: @FrontAidCMS
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: All


GatherContent is a headless Content Operations Platform, helping thousands of organisations around the world to create quality content, in less time, and at scale.

Homepage: https://www.gathercontent.com/
Twitter: @gathercontent
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: Gatsby ,Next ,Other

Gentics Mesh

Gentics Mesh is an open source API-first headless CMS.

Repository: gentics/mesh
Homepage: https://getmesh.io
Twitter: @genticsmesh
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A fiercely independent platform for professional publishers. Headless Node.js REST API for developers, beautiful Ember.js admin client for editors. Used by Apple, NASA, Sky News, OpenAI & many more.

Repository: TryGhost/Ghost
Homepage: https://ghost.org
Twitter: @Ghost
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Google Drive CMS

Uses a combination of Google Sheets and Docs to maintain content on a website.

Repository: max-barry/google-drive-cms
Homepage: https://www.drivecms.xyz
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


GraphCMS is the original GraphQL native Headless CMS with both read and write support to deliver digital projects at scale.

Homepage: https://graphcms.com/
Twitter: @GraphCMS
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


The spreadsheet for multi-language content tailor-made for games and digital products. Gridly connects teams, tools, and assets within a familiar spreadsheet view as a single source of truth.

Homepage: https://www.gridly.com/
Twitter: @GridlyCMS
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


HashBrown is a headless CMS that can support any content structure or deployment flow you can imagine.

Repository: Putaitu/hashbrown-cms
Homepage: https://hashbrowncms.org/
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Headless is a CMS designed specifically for static websites.

Homepage: https://www.headless.rest
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A robust, headless content management system with both the editor and developer in mind

Homepage: https://headly.io
Twitter: @headlyio
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Hexo Admin

An Admin Interface for Hexo

Repository: jaredly/hexo-admin
Homepage: http://jaredforsyth.com/hexo-admin/
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Hexo

Jekyll Admin

A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface.

Repository: jekyll/jekyll-admin
Homepage: https://jekyll.github.io/jekyll-admin/
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll

Kentico Kontent

Kentico Kontent offers Content as a Service to gain full control over content presentation across all digital channels.

Homepage: https://kontent.ai/
Twitter: @KenticoKontent
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


The programmable backend that allows you to create a highly customised CMS and API in minutes.

Repository: keystonejs/keystone
Homepage: https://keystonejs.com/
Twitter: @KeystoneJS
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


An API-based CMS that combines powerful content scheduling capabilities with a clean and modern content editing experience.

Homepage: https://www.lexascms.com/
Twitter: @lexascms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A headless CMS that’s as great for content authors as it is for developers. The Visual SPA Editor gives authors creative control, fully headlessly, for React, Angular & Vue.

Homepage: https://www.magnolia-cms.com/
Twitter: @magnolia_cms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


An API-based CMS that specialized for Japanese.

Homepage: https://microcms.io/
Twitter: @micro_cms
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Mozaik is a CMS backend with a GraphQL API.

Homepage: https://www.mozaik.io
Twitter: @mozaik_io
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Netlify CMS

A different kind of CMS. It’s a single page app written in React. It’s an npm package. It’s a script running on a static page that lives in your repo. Built for static site generators.

Repository: netlify/netlify-cms
Homepage: https://www.netlifycms.org
Twitter: @NetlifyCMS
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: All


Headless content management system supporting multitenancy and white-label workspaces.

Homepage: https://www.nodewrite.com/
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Payload CMS

A self-hosted headless CMS and application framework built with Node.js, Express, React and MongoDB

Repository: payloadcms/payload
Homepage: https://payloadcms.com
Twitter: @PayloadCMS
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Pimcore is an API-first, headless open-source content management platform based on PHP/Symfony. It also includes a digital commerce framework.

Repository: /pimcore/pimcore
Homepage: https://www.pimcore.com
Twitter: @pimcore
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Plasmic is a headless CMS with a powerful no-code visual builder to rapidly create pages and free-form content.

Repository: plasmicapp/plasmic
Homepage: https://www.plasmic.app/
Twitter: @plasmicapp
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: Gatsby, Next.js


Headless CMS with automatic JSON API. Featuring auto-HTTPS from Let’s Encrypt, HTTP/2 Server Push, and flexible server framework written in Go.

Repository: ponzu-cms/ponzu
Homepage: https://ponzu-cms.org
Twitter: @ponzu_cms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


The Headless CMS with Personalization

Homepage: https://prepr.io/
Twitter: @prepr_io
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


An API-based CMS backend for your Websites & Apps

Homepage: https://prismic.io/
Twitter: @prismicio
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A simple content authoring environment for CMS-free websites.

Repository: prose/prose
Homepage: http://prose.io
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll


Publii is a desktop-based CMS for Windows, Mac and Linux that makes creating static websites fast and hassle-free, even for beginners.

Repository: GetPublii/Publii
Homepage: https://getpublii.com/
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Built In


Quintype is the new age, mobile first publishing platform for digital publishers seeking to amplify audiences & revenues.

Homepage: https://www.quintype.com/
Twitter: @quintype_inc
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Rooftop CMS is an API-first WordPress CMS for developers and content creators

Repository: rooftopcms/rooftop-cms
Homepage: https://www.rooftopcms.com/
Twitter: @rooftopcms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: Spike


Sanity is the fully customizable, headless CMS.

Repository: sanity-io/sanity
Homepage: https://www.sanity.io
Twitter: @sanity_io
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Scrivito is a cloud-based CMS, based on ReactJS, built for digital agencies and medium to large-sized businesses.

Repository: Scrivito/scrivito_example_app_js
Homepage: https://www.scrivito.com/
Twitter: @scrivito
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


A single hub for all your content to manage with a variety of features.

Repository: SenseNet/sensenet
Homepage: https://www.sensenet.com/
Twitter: @sensenet
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Siteleaf is a content management system designed for a better web.

Homepage: https://www.siteleaf.com/
Twitter: @siteleaf
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll


Build Instant APIs from Google Sheets as CMS

Homepage: https://sheetson.com/
Twitter: @sheetson
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Slicknode is a GraphQL based headless CMS + application framework for advanced digital experiences

Repository: slicknode/slicknode
Homepage: https://slicknode.com
Twitter: @slicknode
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Scalable open source headless cms for developers and content authors.

Repository: squidex/squidex
Homepage: https://squidex.io
Twitter: @squidexcms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


CMS for Jekyll built on top of GitHub and GitHub pages, for your clients to edit the content of Jekyll websites.

Homepage: https://stastic.net
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Jekyll


A Laravel-powered, flat-first CMS that can run headless, as a full PHP stack, or generate and deploy static sites.

Repository: statamic/cms
Homepage: https://statamic.com/
Twitter: @statamic
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Built In


Headless & API-based CMS as a Service. Not only a CMS for your editors. Clean and structured JSON for you as developer.

Homepage: https://www.storyblok.com/
Twitter: @storyblok
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Strapi is the leading open-source headless CMS. It’s 100% Javascript, fully customizable and developer-first. It saves API development time through a beautiful admin panel anyone can use.

Repository: strapi/strapi
Homepage: https://strapi.io
Twitter: @strapijs
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Superdesk is an end-to-end, api-driven open source headless CMS for news agencies, newspapers and corporate publishers.

Repository: superdesk/superdesk
Homepage: https://www.superdesk.org/
Twitter: @sourcefabric
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


TakeShape is a GraphQL API-first Content-as-a-Service platform with an integrated Static Content Generator.

Homepage: http://www.takeshape.io/
Twitter: @TakeShapeIO
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


An open-source editor focused on git backed, cross-functional visual editing.

Repository: tinacms/tinacms
Homepage: https://tina.io
Twitter: @tina_cms
Open Source: Yes
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: Next

TriTan CMS

TriTan CMS is a developer centric, headless, or nearly headless CMS.

Repository: parkerj/TriTan-CMS
Homepage: https://github.com/parkerj/TriTan-CMS
Twitter: @tritan_cms
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Turn Trello into a CMS

Homepage: https://troglio.com/
Twitter: @try_troglio
Open Source: No
Type: Git-based
Supported Site Generators: All


Typewriter is a simple yet flexible headless CMS that works with any platform you want to use.

Homepage: https://www.typewriter.cloud/
Twitter: @typewritersoft
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

Umbraco Heartcore

Umbraco Heartcore is a headless CMS with an editor experience like no other. On top of a managed RESTful and graphQL API and CDN, you’ll get a powerful backoffice to structure, organize and create content in a fast and efficient manner.

Repository: umbraco/Umbraco-cms
Homepage: https://umbraco.com/products/umbraco-heartcore/
Twitter: @umbraco
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All

unite cms

Really flexible headless CMS, built on top of Symfony and GraphQL.

Repository: unite-cms/unite-cms
Homepage: https://unitecms.io/
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Versioned is an open source CMS API and admin UI based on Node.js/MongoDB/Vue.js

Homepage: https://www.versioned.io
Twitter: @VersionedCMS
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Webiny is a developer-friendly serverless CMS powered by Node, React and a GraphQL API.

Repository: webiny/webiny-js
Homepage: https://www.webiny.com/
Twitter: @WebinyPlatform
Open Source: Yes
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All


Zesty.io is a hybrid CMS that allows you to generate content APIs, custom endpoints, and more!

Homepage: https://www.zesty.io/
Twitter: @zestyio
Open Source: No
Type: API Driven
Supported Site Generators: All